Andries Geerse
Andries Geerse, Lead Urban Planner MSc/Ir. is the founder and principal of WeLoveTheCity. He started his career at the Municipalidade de São Paulo (Brazil), responsible for the slum upgrading programme in the Favela do Dique, Santa Maria and Esperança. He brought the lessons learned to Europe, where his office works in 20 big and medium-sized cities and takes participatory planning and urban regeneration to an advanced and new level. This begins with sharing data, knowledge and ideas. But it is mainly about actually implementing it. Creating a unique development perspective in which residents, entrepreneurs, governments and other stakeholders recognize themselves and that they want to realize together. His focus is on step-by-step transformation towards communities that are inclusive, diverse and resilient. For 12 years, Andries has supervised the urban development program of requirements, urban development plan and design coordination for the transformation of Amstel Station and the surrounding area in Amsterdam.
Charrettes Design
Collaborate on a feasible plan? Then explore different solutions in a multi-day workshop together with officials, developers, owners, residents, tastemakers and investors.
Active Landpolicy
Collaborate on social tasks? Then take control as a municipality by acquiring land and establishing the conditions for its issue.