A Vondelpark in miniature

It was an epic battle but it worked: Watertower Park Hengelo is complete!

“Over the cycle highway F35 towards the new Watertower Park. The tower gleams in the evening sun. The surrounding park is bustling with groups of young people gathering, children playing in the soft sand and parents looking on happily. A Vondelpark in miniature.”
Saskia Minkman, Tubantia newspaper (2020)
WeLoveTheCity saw the former water catchment area as the ideal starting point for Park Veldwijk, the redevelopment of a post-war neighbourhood into the sportiest district in Twente. There was a problem, however: the water catchment area was zoned for industrial use and was therefore worth a lot of money. We did not resign ourselves to this, and mobilised residents, schools, artists, housing corporation, water board, province and municipality to make the impossible possible after all. Even Dutch Railways Company has contributed a great piece of land to make the park even bigger and more beautiful!